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Pour mes "psychogénéalogies", je reprends bien entendu le moyen de l'arbre généalogique, pour traiter de divers thèmes qui ont trait à la psychologie collective familiale, aux thèmes de l'identité et de la transmission.


Les matériaux utilisés pour mes tableaux de psychogénéalogie seront divers. Parfois il s'agira d'objets ou d'éléments détournés de leurs fonctions originelles, comme des loquets, des chaines, des cartes à jouer, des pièces de tissus, ou même des stickers, des photos.

Mes compositions thématiques sont donc des tableaux assemblant ces divers objets choisis, sur un fond dessiné ou peint, aux techniques variées (aquarelle, lavis d'encre, dessin à la mine de plomb, pastel, peinture acrylique et autres). 

Chaînes de générations - Chains of Generations

Acrylique sur canevas, chaines et loquets - Acrylic on canvas, chains and locks.

Juillet 2017 - July 2017, Paris.




Chains of Generations is a strong, psychanalytic piece. It is quite dark as its theme is about people enchained by their past. The picture represents a genealogy on four generations where all the people are locks and the links between them are chains. 
At each generation, for each link, there is a lock between chains. In this family, the values - or problems - are the same through generations and passed on to the next without discussion. The canvas is painted black, with coloured words scattered on it, as the many reasons or pretexts for the endless preservation of those values. Still this choice (of not having a personal choice!) appears to be well assumed: the chains and the locks are immaculately clean, perfectly even, and positioned in total control and order.
In this picture, the great winner is order, respect, probably a worship of the past, and resistance to changes.
Sometimes though, if it is wise to assume its past, we are not responsible for our ancestors' deeds. It is good to break the inherited chains that we might have, in order to free the mind and unleash the heart.

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